When we discuss the lyrics of the song, we have to mention what it is about – in other words, what is the topic of the song. The topic is the subject that the song is concerned with. To find the topic it is often useful to summarize the song as shortly as possible, preferably in one sentence. Take for instance the song “Who Makes You Feel” by Dido that we listened to earlier. The topic of this song is the relationship of the narrator and her lover.
Knowing the topic, however, is not enough. A song is not merely a topic; it is something about a topic. It is true that the topic of “Who Makes You Feel” is the relationship between the narrator and her lover; but what about the relationship? What is the (controlling) idea that the narrator (or lyricist) wants to get across through this song? In “Who Makes You Feel” the controlling idea is: In no other relationship will the lover feel as good and loved, as in the relationship with the narrator.
In short, the topic is “relationship,” and the controlling idea is that “our relationship makes you feel the best.”
Apart from the topic and its related controlling idea, one can also identify the bigger idea in the lyric, known as theme. While the topic is specific, the theme is more general. In literature there are a number of themes that are relatively easily identifiable. The most common theme in music is the theme of “love.” The theme in “Who Makes You Feel” is also love; possibly unreciprocated love.
Choose any song by Dido or Björk, copy down the lyrics and identify the topic and idea, as well as the theme(s). Write a paragraph or two in which you explain the topic, idea, and theme. The assignment is due Noverber 19th.
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